Wednesday, October 1, 2014

About Mongolia

  • Ulaanbaatar - is the capital city of Mongolia, having more than 1 million population. Here's the the the things you have to see and do. Maybe if you go without seeing this to Ulaanbaatar you will be really sad.
  • About people - Mongolians are very friendly people, you may meet few people who can speak english well in streets. But young people of Mongolia speaks english well and you can ask some directions from young people in the street. We Mongolians are friendliest people on earth :).
  • The Great Mongol Empire - The greatest empire the world has yet seen - conquered on horseback by an army of nomads.
  • Chingis Khan - Founder of the Mongolian empire. A nomad empire leaves no ruins. Instead, you can see the same open vistas Chingis Khan did. Visit his birthplace and the extraordinary site of his coronation
  • Mongolian Culture - Discover how to make a ger and listen to khoomei singing - songs in which the singer produces two notes at the same time. See the incredible array of Mongolian clothing and learn about Mongolian festivals.
  • Mongolian food - Modern Mongolian food has nothing do with Mongolian barbecue. Learn how the nomads really cook their food - sometimes from the inside out!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fishing in Mongolia

        From Onon, Kherlen, Selenge rivers you can find many big fishes. Lake Khuvsgul is pure water lake and it contains 2 percent of earth's pure water.

       There are more than 50 species of fish in lakes and rivers. Here you will find some of the world's largest remaining tracts of true wilderness, rish with clear, free-flowing rivers and vast golden forest of birch, aspen, larch and alder. You will also find the world's largest salmonid, the taimen, a vicious surface-oriented predator known for its explosive dry fly takes.

Planing to travel Mongolia ? Need some information ?

Weather -30C, +30C 

Well, Mongolia has 4 season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn).
WINTER! Coldest time in Mongolia, between November to January, air temprature reaches Celcius -30. Mongolians wear full set of winter clothes during this time of year. 

Spring & Autumn, this part of the year will be little bit windy and air temprature will be around +15C.

Summer ( I like this season ) it's not that hot but sometimes it just reaches +30C. Mostly air temprature will be around +23C and you will like it :).

Traveling is easy

You can fly directly to Mongolia from various part of asia and europe. Or if you want adventerous ride to Mongolia, consider Mongol Rally - ten thousand mile journey from London to Mongolia.

You have to be careful sometimes...

We will give you information about hidden dangers, how to take taxi, information about stores, capital city route and some information about people.